Transition / Performance / Re-entry


Savoir surVivre circlechain
Savoir surVivre circlechain

Bike Couture Savoir surVivre

Screen Print on Organic Cotton Shirt

chainbow _ the weather makes the city - the messanger makes the weather - the city makes the messanger
chainbow _ the weather makes the city – the messanger makes the weather – the city makes the messanger

Transformative Art is Queer Art + My Diary is a Weather Diary

abstract calligraphy and mechanic bow
abstract calligraphy and mechanic bow

Writing my own story in my own language – abstract calligraphy and cycling

1_bikefrontscar_IMG_7416bwsmall copy
Cycling is a way of Shapeshifting
Savoir surVivre - My bike was, is and will be a tool of survival
Savoir surVivre – My bike was, is and will be a tool of survival